Monday, July 18, 2011

Monday, July 18th, 2011

       Since Mrs. Martin is out on vacation, it was up to us to manage the garden without her instruction. We did go over a list last week of things to do, but  we still needed to make sure we did get as much done as possible. Willie, Tamara, Jacob and Edward all gathered cucumbers and squash to blanch them while Julia, Carly and I gathered the raspberries. I then prepared them to be dried while the basil was harvested and the garlic cloves were taken out of their paper-like outer layers and put into bowls. They were then cut up into about four slices per clove. The basil was then brought in and there was A LOT of it!! We will not be able to finish taking all of the flowers off of the basil today but at least it is one more thing to add to our list for Wednesday. We were also able to listen to something rather stunning and beautiful today. Trinity and her three friends came to visit the garden and one of them was able to play the piano. She taught Trinity and the others how to play Heart and Soul for about 30 minutes and then Trinity sang to it. She has an AMAZING voice, and with training, I can see a very successful career for her in vocal music (should she choose to strive for it as a career). All in all, this day had no limit to the surprises we found around every corner.               -Colin

      Looking Back:

      A smile makes you sparkle! - Carly

      My girl can sing like a bird! - Karen Flores

      I had lots of fun today. My friends and I had a chalk fight! and Edward's favorite color is blue. -Trinity

      She (Trinity) puts me to shame. - Megan

      Hoping for a storm. - Julia

      I think I'm allergic to garlic. - Tamara

      Basil Boy! -Willie

Working with the garlic

That's a lot of basil!

Blanched squash

Tamara and Karen Flores working with the basil

Edward, Jacob, Julia and Carly picking flowers

Laying out the picked flowers
                                                                  Harvested cucumbers

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